As we approach our Global Impact Celebration this weekend I thought I would share why I believe missions is an important part of Charity Baptist Church and why missions is important in general.  I jotted down nine things and left number 10 open for you to add to the list.  So, as you read over my thoughts I want to read your thoughts. In the comment section below or on the Facebook post you add one reason why you believe missions is so important. 

  1. Missions is how we make Christ known in the world. Romans 10:14-17
  2. God intends for all Christ followers to participate in the mission of the church. 
  3. Missionaries and their families make great sacrifices and they need our prayers, encouragement, and financial support. 
  4. There are still billions of people who have never heard the name of Jesus. Missions reminds us of that and gives us the opportunity to do something about it. 
  5. When you pray for a missionary or financially support missions you are regularly reminded that somewhere in the world someone is making a great sacrifice and possibly risking their own safety for the sake of the Gospel. 
  6. Everyone who is physically able should serve on a mission experience at some point, whether local, domestic, or international. It will change your life. 
  7. Missions will exist until Christ returns. The church must embrace the Great Commission. Matthew 28:19-20 and Acts 1:8
  8. In the words of Rick Warren, “A great commitment to the Great Commission and the Great Commandment will grow a great church.” Charity Baptist Church is committed to these two things and we need all of our church on board to be most effective. 
  9. Giving to our church’s Faith Promise Missions Offering moves your heart toward missions. Luke 12:34
  10. …..

Here’s a schedule of events for the weekend to give you a chance to get to know more about missions and missionaries. 

Friday evening at 6:30 – “Taste of the Nations” in the Family Center. FREE

Saturday morning at 9:00 – Breakfast with the missionaries in the Porch. FREE

Sunday Morning Life Groups at 9:30

Sunday Morning worship at 10:30 


Pastor Marty